Bulk Transcription Service

November 15, 2023
Leif Foged
Leif Foged

If you need extremely large volumes transcribed ASAP, TurboScribe offers one-off bulk transcription jobs.

This service can transcribe large volumes (thousands or tens of thousands of hours) with very short turnarounds (hours or days, depending on the order size). Each bulk job runs with its own dedicated GPU compute capacity and can rapidly transcribe hundreds of files at a time.

Bulk Transcription Rates (minimum order size of 1,000 hours, paid upfront via Stripe):

  • 1,000+ hours: $0.50 per hour of audio/video
  • 10,000+ hours: $0.30 per hour of audio/video

The duration of file is rounded up to the nearest 5 minutes for billing purposes (the minimum billed duration is 5 minutes per file). One-off bulk jobs require an existing TurboScribe Unlimited subscription. It's recommended that you start by transcribing a healthy sample of files to familiarize yourself with the product, features, transcription accuracy, and export formats.

TIP: Most customers who think they might need a bulk transcription job are actually served well by the existing TurboScribe Unlimited offering, which serves the vast majority of high volume use cases quite well.

To get started with a bulk job, email leif@turboscribe.ai.

About TurboScribe

TurboScribe converts audio and video to accurate text in seconds, powered by AI.

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Unlimited Transcriptions
Unlimited transcriptions for one person.
99.8% Accuracy
Powered by Whisper, the most accurate and powerful open transcription technology in the world.
98+ Languages
TurboScribe supports the spoken languages of the world.
10 Hour Uploads
Each file can be up to 10 hrs long / 5 GB.
Upload 50 files at a time.
Speaker Recognition
Great for meetings, interviews, and podcasts.