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TurboScribe Unlimited, Explained

September 7, 2023
Leif Foged
Leif Foged

If you've spent any amount of time looking for transcription services, you know the landscape is filled with limitations—whether it's multiple tiers with varying capabilities, hourly billing, small upload limits, or quotas.

TurboScribe disrupts this model, offering unlimited transcription starting at $10 per month.

Unlike other services that meter usage or bill by the hour, TurboScribe doesn't have caps or quotas. We aim for simplicity and happy customers by delivering straightforward, high-quality, unlimited transcription at an unbeatable price.

So what's in the package?

Unlimited Transcriptions

Many services offer tiered plans that quickly bump you up to a pricier package when you exceed certain limits. But TurboScribe takes a different approach: TurboScribe is unlimited.

Let's get concrete.

You're a student who wants to transcribe every lecture for the entire semester? Done. A therapist transcribing your daily patient sessions? No problem. A researcher drowning in hours of interviews? Consider them transcribed. Are you a pastor transcribing every sermon ever preached at your church? We've got you covered.

You can even record and transcribe every moment of your life with TurboScribe. All 720 hours (43,200 minutes) of it every month.

Some of our users are transcribing over 1,000 hours each month. At a typical rate of $1 per hour, you'd be looking at a hefty $1,000 monthly bill. With TurboScribe, it's included. The only "rule" is you can't share your login/account with others.

Massive Uploads

After upgrading to Unlimited, you'll now be able to upload multiple files at a time:

Instead of importing files one by one, you can now upload up to 50 audio or video files in a single go, streamlining your workflow and saving you time. And each file can be up to 5GB in size and up to 10 hours in duration.

Highest Priority

As a TurboScribe Unlimited member, we'll always run your transcriptions with the highest priority.

What does that mean?

  • Guaranteed capacity: we'll automatically turn on more machines in our GPU cluster to service your transcriptions. We won't leave you hanging.
  • Parallel transcriptions: if you're uploading multiple audio or video files, we'll typically transcribe multiple files at the same time to deliver your transcripts faster.

Going Unlimited

TurboScribe has two billing options: $10 per month ($120 billed yearly) or $20 per month (billed monthly). Both options offer full access to TurboScribe and you're encouraged to choose the billing cycle that aligns best with your needs.

And if you have any questions, you can email me personally at

Happy transcribing!

About TurboScribe

TurboScribe converts audio and video to accurate text in seconds, powered by AI.

Learn More About TurboScribe

Ready to start transcribing?

Get full access to...

Unlimited Transcriptions
Unlimited transcriptions for one person.
99.8% Accuracy
Powered by Whisper, the most accurate and powerful AI speech to text transcription technology in the world.
98+ Languages
TurboScribe supports the spoken languages of the world.
10 Hour Uploads
Each file can be up to 10 hours long / 5 GB. Upload 50 files at a time.
Speaker Recognition
Great for meetings, interviews, and podcasts.